Assalamu alaikum,

There are only a couple more sign ups for food sponsoring for Ramadon. Please call Sister Faika to let her know which date below you are willing to sponsor or reply to this email. As of right now these are the dates that have been signed up for.

Days that have not been signed up for will be potluck.

July 10- Sister Hina, Sister Rabia, Sister Unzila
July 11- Fundraiser at Prince Frederick Masjid
July 17- Sister Betul, Sister Faika (more people are welcome to join this date) (Might be Eid Day)

Please sign up for a date as soon as possible.

The community Eid party will be Sunday, July 26th. Mark your calendars, details will follow shortly.
Apologies for sending this email over and over again.

Jazak Allah khair,


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